Monday, December 31, 2018

Blogged Down

Blogging is a bit like exercise, which is why not everyone does it. And why I don’t do it regularly, blogging.  I do exercise regularly, which takes up all my self-discipline, and motivation, and emotional energy and all the other things it can take-except fat, exercise leaves me with that for some reason.  

I have been “visualizing results” now for about 45 years. I don’t think visualization works, so I keep exercising, and I think if ever the results I have visualized show up, at my age I will be a walking miracle.  And maybe I won’t have to exercise. 

I have been with my kids and they have motivation to spare, so my daughter spared hers on me and we have been running every day.  And now my son has decided that his spare motivation will be for blogging, and we are doing it together.  That is, he is at his computer, and doing some research for his blog, and I am at my computer playing Spider.

The new year is around the corner and so people exercise and blog more. I will go out running tomorrow and there will be loads more people than those that ran before Christmas.  And I am glad they are out with me.  I help them not give up because I am still out there, even though I am not a runner.  I run so slowly I have to look to the side sometimes to make sure I am still going forward.  Thankfully here I run on a sidewalk so I can just see the cracks in the step going by. Also thankfully it is warm and sunny. When I get back to Colorado and it is cold and the oxygen is nowhere to be found and my daughter is far away I will need motivation, again.  

Also in the new year people will begin blogging.  And I like that too because it will give me something to read instead of exercising. 

But I digress, which surprises no one who has known me for more than two minutes. Blogging not only is like exercise in that it takes self-discipline and motivation, it also gets a bit easier with practice.  The first workouts of a new exercise routine always leave me feeling gross. My muscles hurt and the scales often go up instead of down.  With blogging my first efforts often require lots of time without stellar results.  That’s why having motivational helpers is so great.  My daughter gets water to soak my tired feet.  My son stares at me across his computer and his crazy smile or blank look inspire me to keep trying. 

I was with my daughter for ten days so I hope that gets the resolution to exercise back on track, and my son is with me now for ten days, so that should get the blogging back on track.

Blogging is also like exercise in that it keeps changing.  Remember leotards? and ok, leg warmers made a brief come back. There was aerobics and cross training, and now we have yoga and Pilates.  And when I started blogging we had one website, and now another and the software has changed. And I will have to change my picture, and tell all my friends to re-subscribe because I REALLY am going to blog regularly. 

So three cheers for our New Year’s resolutions. Here is my first blog and welcome to it. Now it is time to work on my flabs. (my personal name for my abdominal muscles) 


  1. Welcome back! I just might join you in the new year! I might need to set aside some time to blog on a regular basis. I love reading your blog posts.

  2. As always, your blog brings a smile to my face! Thank you for writing. I miss you so much! Hugs.
